Protestant Primary School Potsdam-Babelsberg

Primary schools

All-day educational offers (OF)
State approved alternative school.

Rudolf-Breitscheid-Str. 21
14482 Potsdam
Phone: 0331-7309314
Fax: 0331-7309316

Headmistress: Susanne Anders
Deputy Head: Karen Kleemann
Head of Leisure Sector: Annette Heinze

The Protestant Primary School Babelsberg is an all-day school. In the school year 2011/2012, 250 children in school classes 1 - 6are taught in mixed aged teaching groups. The school will be gradually extended to a two-stream primary school.
Learning to learn - with head, heart and hand
Our school offers children a living space where they can unfold and develop their creative gifts, and their ability to express their pleasure in learning. Learning takes place in an atmosphere characterized by reciprocative respect and a sense of community solidarity. Supported by Christian values, children receive the security and acceptance they need to take the learning process into their own hands in a more active and competent way.
Learning and living in mixed-age classes allows an enriching diversity, where every child has his strengths and weaknesses in good hands – in that way, skills and confidence can grow.

Daily Schedule
As an open all-day school our school is open from 7:30 to 17:00. The morning classes are divided into teaching blocks and ends for everyone at 14:00.
Much time is occupied by the workshop instruction, allowing the children a mostly independent work in an interdisciplinary, complex topic. Lunch is also included in the common school day as well as enough time for exercising, reading time and free labor.

English is taught from class 1 as a contact language. The educational development of children is accompanied by a complex feedback process. In the first 4 grades, there are no marks.
A close link between morning and afternoon is important for us. A class is supervised by a permanent team of a teacher and an educator, who exchange the latest informations on their content schedule and educational work.
Our work is enriched by various partners (dance, soccer, nature explorations, clay art ...)
Regulary worship, religious instruction, school services and close cooperation with the various bodies of the parish of Babelsberg form the foundation of the Christian profile.